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The 10th National International Conference on computer Mathematics was held
Author: Release time:2018-10-29 Number of clicks:

From 25 to 28 October, the 10th National International Conference on computer Mathematics, sponsored by the Committee of computer Mathematics of the Chinese Mathematical Society and Hubei University, was held in Wuhan. More than 180 experts and scholars attended the meeting from all majorscientific research institutes and universities at home and abroad.

At the opening ceremony, Shanggang, party secretary of the university, welcomed the guests and introduced the basic situation of Hubei University. He said that the convening of the conference will further promote the integration of mathematics and information and other related disciplines, and promote academic exchanges and cooperation. He hoped that the conference would build a bridge between academic frontiers for the construction of relevant disciplines of the school, provide opportunities for promoting the opening of schools and strengthening exchanges and cooperation.

Gao Xiaoshan, vice chairman of the Chinese Association of Mathematics, vice chairman of the Chinese Society of Industry and Applied Mathematics and executive vice president of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, reviewed the development of computer mathematics. Scientists in this field are encouraged to make unremitting efforts to develop mathematical mechanization.

Li Banghe, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, researcher of the Institute of Mathematics and Systems Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and doctoral supervisor, brought the first report entitled "question 15 of Hilbert and Ritt- Wu method". Professor Tang Xiaohu of Southwest Jiaotong University, is an internationally renowned scholar in the field of sequence coding,and an internationally renowned scholar in software engineering and formal methods. Zhan Naijun, a researcher at the Institute of Software of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made the report of titles "Placement-Delievry Array characterization and its Application" and "Formal Analysis and Synthesis of Delay Dynamical and Hynamical and Hybrid Systems". In addition, more than 30 young scholars and experts made an invitation report and group report.

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