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Gehring-Hayman inequality for quasigeodesics in Banach spaces and its application
作者:      发布时间:2024-01-08       点击数:
报告时间 2024.01.10上午9:00 报告地点 英国威廉希尔体育公司201
报告人 王仙桃




主要为Klein群、拟共形映射以及调和映射,解决了发表在国际数学最权威刊物Acta.Math.上悬而未决达三十多年的问题,在Adv. Math., Math. Ann., IMRN等刊物发表论文80多篇。

报告题目:Gehring-Hayman inequality forquasigeodesics in Banach spaces and its application

摘要:Let E be a Banach space withdiam(E)>(or =)2, D a propersubdomain in E, and f:D\to D' a coarsely quasihyperbolic homeomorphism. Themain purpose of this paper is to establish the following result: If D'is a uniform domain, then the quasigeodesic in D essentiallyminimizes the length among all arcs in D with the same end-points, up to a universal multiplicative constant.This result gives affirmative answers to the related open problemsraised by Heinonen and Rohde from 1993 and by Vaisalafrom2005.

As the first application, we obtain that the length of the image of aquasigeodesic

in Dunder fminimizes the length among the images of all arcs in D whose end-points are the same as the given quasigeodesic, up to a universal multiplicative constant.As the second application, we show that D being John implies D being inner uniform. This is ageneralization of the related result obtained by Kim and Langmeyer in 1998 since this result implies that the assumption of ``each quasihyperbolic geodesic in a John domain inR^nbeing a cone arc" is redundant.

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