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Diophantine tuples over integers and finite fields
作者:      发布时间:2024-03-27       点击数:
报告时间 2024-03-28 10 时-12 时 报告地点 腾讯会议:994 910 722
报告人 叶智恺
报告名称: Diophantine tuples over integers and finite fields
报告专家: 叶智恺
专家所在单位:加拿大英属哥伦比亚( UBC
报告时间:2024-03-28 上午 10 点-12 点
报告地点:线上, 腾讯会议:994 910 722
叶智恺,英属哥伦比亚大学博士。主要研究方向包括算术组合 , 极值组合,和解析数论。已
Acta Arith., Finite Fields Appl., J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, Mathematika 等杂志发表学术
论文 16 篇。
Yoo. Semin and Kim Seoyoung with work Joint problem. same the of model field finite
the study to is ingredient key A $M_k(n)$. on bound upper improved an present will I
talk, this In $D_{k}(n)$. property with tuple Diophantine a of size largest the be
$M_k(n)$ denote we and power, $k$-th a than less $n$ is elements distinct two any of
product the if $D_{k}(n)$ property with tuple Diophantine a integers positive of set a call
we 2$, \ge $k and 1$ \ge $n each for generalization: following the on focus we talk, this
In settings. various in generalizations their and tuples Diophantine of study the on literature
extensive and history long a is There square. a than less one is set the in elements distinct
two any of product the if $m$-tuple Diophantine a is integers positive distinct of
a_{m}\}$ a_{2},\ldots, $\{a_{1}, set A

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