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Monogenic Signal with Application to Edge Detection
作者:      发布时间:2018-03-27       点击数:
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报告题目:Monogenic Signal with Application to Edge Detection

报 告 人:Kit Ian Kou博士,副教授,澳门大学数学系



报告摘要:Monogenic signal is regarded as a generalization of analytic signal from one dimensional to higher dimensional space, which has been received considerable attentionin the literature. It is defined by an original signal with its isotropic Hilbert transform (thecombination of Riesz transform). Similar to analytic signal, the monogenic signal can be written in the polar form. Then it provides the signal features representation, such as the local attenuation and the local phase vector. The aim of the paper is twofold: first, to analyze the relationship between the local phase vector and the local attenuation in the higher dimensional spaces. Secondly, a study on image edge detection using modified differential phase congruency is presented. Comparisons with competing methods on real-world images consistently show the superiority of the proposed methods.

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