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Big Data Analytics and Some Applications
作者:      发布时间:2017-09-26       点击数:
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报告题目:Big Data Analytics and Some Applications




报告摘要:As technology advances, the things we produce and consume — documents, books, media, business, and even social interactions — have become more and more digitalized. We are also generating data at a dizzying pace. By 2020, the amount of data created worldwide is expected to hit 44 zettabytes (1021) — the equivalent of 40 trillion gigabytes, according to IDC Research.After big data collections become trivial, the unprecedented opportunity we have is to release big values from Big Data. Big Data Analytics is to examine large amounts of data to discover hidden patterns, trends, corrections, customer preferences, or other useful insights. The talkwill share some big data analytics applications on huge volume of real-world data. Application examples include using linked medicare, hospital, pharmacy data to signal post-market adverse drug reactions; using unstructured or semi-structured data to understand, classify and visualise articles/books, and evaluate their titles; using sensed data and model to project future climate and climate extremes.

专家简介:金慧东在西安交通大学理学院完成本科和硕士教育,师从徐宗本教授(现中科院院士)。随后赴香港攻读博士,师从香港中文大学计算机科学与工程学系梁广锡讲座教授,获得博士学位。后到澳大利亚工作。现在是联邦科学与工业研究组织的资深科学家(Senior Research Scientist),也是澳大利亚国立大学附属研究员(Adjunct Fellow)。金慧东的研究兴趣包括数据挖掘,机器学习,统计建模,大数据,智能计算,及其在气候预估,气候适应,金融,环镜生态等上的应用。已经在这些领域发表了70多篇学术文章和50来篇技术报告,其中50多篇学术文章已被SCI索引,有20来篇发表在国际著名杂志和会议上。2篇国际会议文章获最佳论文奖。他的研究成果在2005年获得澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织数学信息研究所创新奖。他是多个国际会议的组委会成员。他成功指导过20多位员工,包括博士后,澳大利亚国立大学的博士和硕士。

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