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报告时间 2019年1月15日 14:30 - 16:30 报告地点 英国威廉希尔体育公司201报告厅
报告人 彭江涛、孙志敏、徐行忠

时间:20191151430 - 1630




报告题目:Robust Joint Sparse Representation for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images

报告摘要:In this report, we mainly introduce two robust joint sparse representation models for the classification of hyperspectral images (HSIs). In the traditional JSR model, the least-squares (LS) loss is used to measure the approximation error, which is usually senstive to noise or outliers in the spatial neighborhood. We replace the least-squares loss with the correntropy-based loss and self-paced loss, respectively, and propose a maximum correntropy criterion based JSR (MCCJSR) and a self-paced learning based JSR model (SPJSR). The MCCJSR and SPJSR models finally can be modified to a unified weighted JSR model, where a weight vector can be adaptively optimized to select easy homogeneous pixels and to exclude complex inhomogeneous pixels. Experimental results on two benchmark hyperspectral data sets demonstrate that our proposed models are more accurate and robust than existing JSR methods, especially in the case of heavy noise.

报告人简介:彭江涛,男,博士,英国威廉希尔体育公司副教授。2011年7月获中国科学院自动化研究所工学博士学位。2013年8月至2014年7月应邀访问澳门大学,2017年9月至2018年9月公派出国访问密西西比州立大学Qian Du教授。多次参加国际国内学术会议。自2008年开始从事模式识别和遥感图像处理相关的研究工作,在高光谱图像的特征提取和分类等方面进行了较为深入的研究,在遥感图像处理领域权威期刊IEEE TGRS, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE JSTARS, IEEE GRSL等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇;主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、湖北省自然科学基金1项。担任SCI期刊Remote Sensing、Applied Sciences的客座编辑(Guest Editor)。



报告题目:Investigations on Periodic Sequences with Maximum Nonlinear Complexity

报告摘要:The nonlinear complexity of a periodic sequence s is the length of the shortest feedback shift register that can generate s, and its value is upper bounded by the least period of s minus 1. In this paper, a recursive approach that generates all periodic sequences with maximum nonlinear complexity is presented, and the total number of such sequences is determined.

The randomness properties of these sequences are also examined.

报告摘要:孙志敏,女,博士,英国威廉希尔体育公司副教授。2006年7月至今在威廉希尔官方网站工作。2017年5月至2018年8月,受国家留学基金委资助访问奥地利科学院的国际知名密码学专家Arne Winterhof教授。



报告题目:On oliver's p-group conjecture

报告摘要:In this talk, we focus on p-group conjecture. Moreover, we will talk about poset of p-groups and their simplicial structure.


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