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Bayesian spatio-temporal models for frost risk analysis and projection
作者:      发布时间:2019-04-09       点击数:
报告时间 2019年4月18日09:00 报告地点 英国威廉希尔体育公司201报告厅
报告人 金慧东(悉尼大学)

报告名称:Bayesian spatio-temporal models for frost risk analysis and projection


报告专家Huidong Jin金慧东




专家简介:金慧东在西安交通大学理学院完成本科和硕士教育,师从徐宗本教授。随后赴香港攻读博士,师从香港中文大学计算机科学与工程学系梁广锡讲座教授,获得博士学位。后到澳大利亚工作。现在是联邦科学与工业研究组织的资深科学家(Senior Research Scientist),也是澳大利亚悉尼大学附属研究员(Adjunct Fellow)。现在领导着一个项目,致力提高澳洲季节性气候预测技术。


报告摘要:Previous climate research concluded that causal influences which have contributed to changes in frost risk in south‐eastern Australia include greenhouse gas concentration, El‐Niño southern oscillation and other effects. Some of the climatic indices representing these effects have spatiotemporal misalignment and may have a spatially and temporally varying effect on observed data. Other indices are constructed from grid‐referenced physical climate models, which creates a point‐to‐area problem. To address these issues we propose a spatiodynamic model, which comprises a blending of spatially varying and temporally dynamic parameters. For the data that we examine the model proposed performs well in out‐of‐sample validation compared with a spatiotemporal model. These models are later used to project how frost frequency changes in 2048, which provide evidences to form climate adaption strategies for winter crops

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