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Multi-task Additive Models for Robust Estimation and Automatic Structure Discovery
作者:      发布时间:2021-11-08       点击数:
报告时间 2021年11月11日:14:00-18:00 报告地点 线上腾讯会议
报告人 陈洪

报告名称:Multi-task Additive Models for Robust Estimation and Automatic Structure Discovery




线上腾讯会议:424385948 密码:258369


报告摘要:Abstract: Additive models have attracted much attention for high-dimensional regressionestimation and variable selection. However, the existing models are usually limited to the single-task learning framework under the mean squared error (MSE) criterion, where the utilization of variable structure depends heavily on a priori knowledge among variables. For high-dimensional observations in real environment, e.g., Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) data, the learning performance of previous methods may be degraded seriously due to the complex non-Gaussian noise and the insufficiency of a prior knowledge on variable structure. To tacklethis problem, we propose a new class of additive models, called Multi-task Additive Models (MAM), by integrating the mode-induced metric, the structure-based regularizer, and additive hypothesis spaces into a bilevel optimization framework. Our approach does not require any priori knowledge of variable structure and suits for high-dimensional data with complex noise, e.g., skewed noise, heavy-tailed noise, and outliers. A smooth iterative optimization algorithm with convergence guarantees is provided to implement MAM efficiently. Experiments on simulations and the CMEs analysis demonstrate the competitive performance of our approach for robust estimation and automatic structure discovery.



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